Opportunity to attend the EAS 2016

publicado em Notícias


EAS finances are such that we are in a position to support a good number of promising scientists to further their career by attending the Congress. The EAS leadership proposes to release some of the Society’s own funds to support “national society travel grants” which will be awarded to persons nominated by the Portuguese Society of Atherosclerosis.

The nominees will receive:

  • Complimentary Congress registration, EAS 2016 Innsbruck
  • Complimentary 1-year EAS membership subscription
  • Complimentary invitation to the Congress Welcome Reception and Networking Evening
  • A grant (up to 400 €) towards travel & accommodation at EAS Congress.

We invite your Society’s Executive Board to put forward the names of 20-25 people to receive these grants to attend the Congress. Please do nominate persons who would otherwise not be expecting to attend the meeting. We would prefer if the nominees were to submit an abstract, but if this is not possible, then we will consider also making some travel grant awards without abstracts.

Please ask your nominees to complete the application form at http://www.eas-society.org/?page=natsocgrantapp. If they have not submitted an abstract, they should enter 999999 in the “Abstract number” field. Please let the EAS Office know the names of the people you nominate (send a list to ). Deadline for applications for these travel grants is February 01.

There is just one week left for abstract submission to the Congress. EAS believe that attending Congress and presenting one’s own work is a valuable milestone in a scientist’s career, and wish to support the development of the field by making it possible for many promising scientists to attend EAS Congress. We welcome your nominated attendees’ contribution to EAS 2016 Innsbruck.