Call for abstracts: 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of ELC

publicado em Notícias


The 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Lipoprotein Club (ELC) meeting will be held at the Evangelishe Akademie in Tutzing, Germany, from September 05-08, 2016. The deadline for abstract submission is May 01, 2016.

Participation in the meeting is only possible for those sending an abstract of high quality.

The programme of this year’s ELC meeting covers:

  • Cellular and systemic lipid metabolism
  • Inflammation and vascular biology
  • Genetics and dyslipidaemia
  • Drug targets and treatment of dyslipidaemia
  • Varia

Please note that the meeting was oversubscribed last year – to be considered for a place this year, please make sure to submit your abstract before May 01.

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